Welcome to Buddies Dementia Café for people living with dementia and their carers. Meeting the first and third Thursday in every month between 10.00am and 12.00 midday at The Nettleham Village Hall where refreshments and entertainment is provided. There is no need to book, just turn up. After the first Thursday meeting there is a Dementia Friendly walk around the village.
£1.00 donation per person.

Buddies Dementia Cafe is registered as a charity (No 1184074) with the Charities Commission for England & Wales. We rely on the generosity of donors and volunteers. You can now make a donation on-line from the link on our front page (or click here). We are also registered to claim Gift Aid from HMRC so don’t forget to tick the Gift Aid box.
We are excited to be the chosen charity for the Lincolnshire Former Players Association.

Team Buddies, winners of the Lincolnshire County Council Community Group of the Year 2024.

Celebrating our 7th birthday with our local MP Sir Edward Leigh and local district councillor John Barrett.

Angela White , Chairman of Nettleham Parish Council awarded Lulu Wood, with the Ray Sellars Community Award 2023, for her vision, involvement and hard work in establishing and the continued success in running Buddies Dementia Cafe.

We are pleased to be the chosen charity of Red Rock Partnership Ltd.